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Old 03-18-2014, 06:25 PM
mgoblue mgoblue is offline
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Default G6 Convertible

Any G6 convertible owners on this forum? I'm somewhat drawn to this car and the prices seem reasonable for a "hardtop convertible". So what's the good, bad, and ugly about this model?
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Old 05-02-2014, 05:46 PM
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Sorry, I didn't see this until now.

My wife and I bought a new dark cherry red 2008 G6 convertible as her toy. We got it from Regal Pontiac in Lakeland, Florida. We couldn't find one locally back in 2008, so we had this one shipped down to Tampa from Pensacola.

The car now has 23,000 miles and we've enjoyed it quite a bit. It has been reliable, it looks great in my opinion, and the 3.5 is plenty powerful enough. The ride is spectacular in these cars, especially on a comfortable summer night with the moon shining.

Like any recent Pontiac/GM car, there have been a few glitches, but in general, it has been a nice edition to the fleet.

I will admit that there are time when I get nervous about the whole folding roof contraption as it's very complex, but it hasn't skipped a beat after being raised and lowered hundreds of times by now.

You'll also get a fair amount of cowl shake when the top is down. It's not bad, but you do notice it. The car is solid and it drives & rides beautifully, but there is definite body flex with the top down. With it up, it feels like a standard coupe and is very rigid.

I think Pontiac did a nice job on those cars, especially when you consider that GM doesn't normally build that kind of stuff.

I recommend a good used one, and they're pretty affordable nowadays to boot.

1970 SSJ: 272
1971 SSJ: 157
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