Old 11-03-2024, 02:42 PM
Ramairnacho Ramairnacho is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Antioch Ca
Posts: 761
Default Formula steering wheels

I have a question. Does anyone have a pic of the later version ta steering wheel for 69 trans am. Supposably the same as 70-72 I read but no marking simular to the 73 but the mold injection hole in same location as a 70 , also the 73 is fatter, smaller,and softer grip. Im.postimg back.pic of my original restored wheel and I own 2 like this and they are hard grip and a slightly smaller 73 soft grip. I read the late 69 formula steering wheel has no markings. Is it possible that mine is a 69 wheel or the engraver didn't engrave a large IC? I got a facebook. friend with simular situation. I own a small ic and an icx thar are also harder fat wheels. Tryi.g to verify if this is late 69 wheel left over and used on the 70 run
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Name:	Screenshot_20241101_140755_Gallery.jpg
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