Old 11-09-2024, 04:07 AM
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Default Motor has no fire

64 GTO 389 tri-power. Car has 1500 miles since frame off. It has run great. It has a Pertronix Flamethrower III ignition. Driving it a couple weeks ago and pushed in the clutch turning a corner and it died and wouldn't start. Got it to my shop and started looking at it and it has spark, 6.1 lbs of fuel pressure, and good compression. I had a GM coil on it that ohmed out ok. When talking to Pertronix, the tech guy said to put a flame thrower 3 coil on it. Tried that and no difference. He said there was no way to test the ignition module but if there was spark then it was doing it's job. Checked the breaker plate for ground, that is good. It has spark at the plugs. Average of about 160 lbs of compression. 12v at the coil. I ran a jumper wire from the battery to the coil, still no fire. I had carb kits on my shelf so I freshened up the carbs. I have fuel pressure and accelerator pump fuel. I am going to buy some points and condenser to see if that fires it, but it has spark now.

It has to be something simple but i am at a loss right now so any suggestions are appreciated.
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Old 11-09-2024, 04:10 AM
Schurkey Schurkey is offline
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"Spark AT the plugs" is not "spark across the plug gap, at the right time".

You say you have "spark", you claim to have fuel, you have compression.

Verify initial timing (roll pin on distributor gear sheared? Distributor spun in the block?) Check for fouled plugs.

Lastly, make sure your gasoline will actually burn--no water at the bottom of the tank.

Old 11-09-2024, 04:41 AM
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Bump engine to where the timing mark on the balancer is between 0 and 12° BTDC. Then pull the distributor cap and check that the rotor is either pointing at #1 or #6 terminal. Anywhere else and timing has moved. If you want to take a little more time, then pull #1 plug and put your finger in the hole and bump the engine until the compression pushes your finger away and then bump it a little more until you are at the 0-12 mark and then the rotor needs to be pointing to #1 terminal.

Although never underestimate the number of ways a Pertronix can leave you alongside the road.

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Old 11-09-2024, 06:53 AM
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When I aid spark at the plugs, that was watching the spark jump across the gap. I just did 5 plugs but if they had it the other 3 wouldn't keep it from starting. I have watched the rotor spin while I was turning it over so that s good. I had not thought about water in the gas, I'll have to check on that. Thanks for the reply.

Old 11-09-2024, 06:57 AM
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I have had the valve cover off and watch the distributor and the rocker arms on #1 and that is ok. I am getting no backfiring or any kind of firing for that matter. Thanks for the reply.

Old 11-09-2024, 08:03 AM
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Having spark and having it at the right time are two different things.
Does the motor have a solid ground back to the battery?

Does the distributor body have a solid ground to the block?

It doesn’t hurt to take 10 minutes to crimp up a ring to ring wire just to cover that base.

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Old 11-09-2024, 10:02 AM
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Be sure that the motor continues to have voltage to the coil not only when the key is in the crank position, but in the run position also.

Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
And he was not talking about 1/8 or 1/4 mile ETs!

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Old 11-09-2024, 11:17 AM
Formulas Formulas is offline
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What color is the spark that your seeing?

either ohm out dist cap or replace the coil output path may be compromised

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Old 11-09-2024, 04:49 PM
Schurkey Schurkey is offline
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Originally Posted by lust4speed View Post
pull #1 plug and put your finger in the hole and bump the engine until the compression pushes your finger away ...
NO!!! Put your finger OVER the hole, NOT "IN" the hole.

Finding the piston dome will not make you happy.

Originally Posted by lust4speed View Post
Although never underestimate the number of ways a Pertronix can leave you alongside the road.
True. I won't own one. Same with Mallory Unilite/E-spark.

Old 11-09-2024, 05:03 PM
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Although never underestimate the number of ways a Pertronix can leave you alongside the road.[/QUOTE]

My understanding, from reading here is to be aware of the Pertronix "conversion" kit. Many here have had these leave them standing on the road.

AND, I've seen some folks use the Pertronix complete distributor, They seem to be good to use. Any one object to this thought?

Before you attempt your next start, I'd remove all the plugs. make sure they are dry. If not, spray the m with carb cleaner spray and blow them off with air.
Might be a good idea to spin the engine ove with all plugs, JUST to make sure you don't have a crazy flooding issue. Of course disconnect any power to distributor, just to be safe...

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Old 11-10-2024, 01:58 PM
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After 50 years of working on cars, 42 of them as a pro, I still can't understand why people remove perfectly good factory parts and install inferior ones to 'upgrade' their cars.
Throw the Pertronix into the trash can, re-install the points and condenser, and drive off into the sunset worry free for the rest of your life. Seriously.

Old 11-10-2024, 02:28 PM
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I could not agree more if you’re not running a full out race only car.

For me it’s a HEI or points.
Points going back 8 decades have started military vehicles in cold that you would not use your snowmobile in and that’s good enough for me.

Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
And he was not talking about 1/8 or 1/4 mile ETs!

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Old 11-12-2024, 12:36 AM
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Yes, it has a good ground. I actually ran an extra wire from the dist to 1 of the four ground straps. Thanks for the reply.

Old 11-12-2024, 12:38 AM
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It does, I ran a wire from the battery to the coil, 12v, nothing. Pertronix requires constant 12v.

Old 11-12-2024, 12:40 AM
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The spark is white. I replaced the coil with the Pertronix Flamethrower 3.

Old 11-12-2024, 12:50 AM
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I found a set of points and a condenser today. I will put them in tomorrow and see what happens. I filled the carb with new gas today and still nothing.

Old 11-12-2024, 05:20 AM
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You posted that a frame off restoration was done on the vehicle, did that include the motor and if so did you do that motor overhaul?

while your out getting the points on condenser to stuff in pick up a can of starting eiher.
If the motor still does not run after the points are in then open the choke and the throttle and give a blast of that into the Manifold.

If the motor does not kick real good if not even run for 2 to 3 seconds then for whatever reason your Cam timing is off dispite the motor not backfiring!

Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
And he was not talking about 1/8 or 1/4 mile ETs!

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Old 11-12-2024, 09:28 AM
mgarblik mgarblik is offline
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Originally Posted by steve25 View Post
You posted that a frame off restoration was done on the vehicle, did that include the motor and if so did you do that motor overhaul?

while your out getting the points on condenser to stuff in pick up a can of starting eiher.
If the motor still does not run after the points are in then open the choke and the throttle and give a blast of that into the Manifold.

If the motor does not kick real good if not even run for 2 to 3 seconds then for whatever reason your Cam timing is off dispite the motor not backfiring!
The OP said he did a compression test and the results were around 160 PSI. I would think the cam timing is close enough to run the engine or at least "try" to run. I would pull out the distributor and have a close look at the gear, pin and relationship of the rotor to cap at TDC. Although I would agree that generally, it should pop, backfire, or do something if the gear was failing, it's not a given. 1500 miles is in the ballpark for a gear failure if there was an issue initially. Although I have personally never had a failure of a Pertronix component, there are thousands of people who have. Being electronic and made in China, their are many ways they can fail and leave you stranded. Installing good old points and condenser even as just a diagnostic tool is a good idea as well. Good luck with it.

Last edited by mgarblik; 11-12-2024 at 09:33 AM.
Old 11-12-2024, 12:37 PM
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OP said spark is white, does that not alarm anyone?

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Old 11-12-2024, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by geeteeohguy View Post
After 50 years of working on cars, 42 of them as a pro, I still can't understand why people remove perfectly good factory parts and install inferior ones to 'upgrade' their cars.
Throw the Pertronix into the trash can, re-install the points and condenser, and drive off into the sunset worry free for the rest of your life. Seriously.
Pertronix is certified garbage, but points ignition isn't the end all be all that some claim it to be.

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