Old 11-21-2024, 07:19 AM
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Finally got it figured out. The rotor was arcing through and the spark was not going out the cap. Thanks for all of the replys.
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Old 11-21-2024, 07:40 AM
Formulas Formulas is offline
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Electrical discharge finds the easiest path for dissipation

so did high resistance downstream create initial rotor arc through?

or was the rotor sketchy from the srart?

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Old 11-21-2024, 07:56 AM
Schurkey Schurkey is offline
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Originally Posted by Formulas View Post
OP said spark is white, does that not alarm anyone?
I could not care less what the spark "looks" like. Trying to judge spark power by color is a fool's errand, in part because the arc length of a casual test is typically not great enough.

If a ballast-resistor style ignition (Points, early Chrysler electronic) will reliably fire a conventional spark tester when the ignition coil is hot from use and lightly misted with water from a squirt-bottle, that's good enough for me.

If a non-ballast-resistor ignition (HEI, for example) will reliably fire a spark tester calibrated for HEI, under those same conditions, I consider it good.

Attached photos are of my favorite style of spark-tester, but there are multiple vendors and other styles. The HEI tester has a recessed center electrode making a longer gap the spark must jump. Both testers require the spark to jump all the way to the rim of the tester--easily visible and with a hearty "snap", nicely-calibrated to the expected maximum voltage of each kind of ignition system.

Spark testers that make a light-bulb glow are WORTHLESS. You want to see the actual spark arc.

Originally Posted by Rlfehl View Post
It has spark at the plugs... ...it has spark now.
Originally Posted by Rlfehl View Post
Finally got it figured out. The rotor was arcing through and the spark was not going out the cap.
You sure? How did you ever get spark at the plug-end of the plug wires if the rotor had failed?
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Last edited by Schurkey; 11-21-2024 at 08:02 AM.
Old 11-21-2024, 08:20 AM
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The rotor was arcing through and the spark was not going out the cap.
The car is running now?

You sure? How did you ever get spark at the plug-end of the plug wires if the rotor had failed?
Possibly some of the potential exited the rotor through the normal way just not enough to fire the mixture.
Most of the potential took the shortest path to ground.

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Old 11-21-2024, 10:08 AM
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There ya go!
Electricity will always take the path of least resistance to ground.
That burned in carbon trace was a far lesser resistance then the air gap of a plug.

Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
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Old 11-21-2024, 10:34 AM
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Also if you ever cranked the motor over with the ignition powered up and all the plug wires off that could have been the start of the burn thru of the rotor.

Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
And he was not talking about 1/8 or 1/4 mile ETs!

1) 1940s 100% silver 4 cup tea server set.

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1) un-mailed in gift coupon from a 1972 box of corn flakes.
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Old 11-21-2024, 02:08 PM
Formulas Formulas is offline
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Whats a matter Scharkey to wrapped up in spark timing to realize there was not enough energy at the spark plug as evidence by the color of the spark..

i could care less , .. i realized it was not strong enough at post#15 BY COLOR

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