Conversation Between RWS and jtwoods4
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. jtwoods4
    02-26-2014 10:41 PM
    Here is my video. Does your engine lean slightly back?
  2. jtwoods4
    02-26-2014 10:37 PM
    Hey man I saw that you installed a TKO 600 in your firebird. I just installed one in my 70 Trans am. I noticed the engine and trans are tilted back about 3 degrees. Is that how the engine normally sits? Leaning back about 3 degrees? Or do I need to make some sore of spacer to go under my trans mount to raise the rear of the trans. Problem is if I do that I will have to cut the trans tunnel for the transmission to fit.

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