Conversation Between RAIVJUDGE and YNOBIL
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
    01-16-2014 11:38 PM
    Hi Mike Sorry I didn't reply sooner I just saw your message now. I only worked there for 6 months in 1967. I don't know anyone with service records from there. The original building has been replaced and it's now called Haggerty Buick. Check out this web story.
    Keep in touch
    11-26-2013 01:56 AM
    Hi Bill, I hope all is well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Thank you again for the Kole Pontiac deck lid decal. I. Have tracked down the second owner of my car. They did buy it from the original owner with the original paint intact. Sounds like it was a survivor.

    I was wondering. Did any of the folks you worked with keep or copy any of the service or warranty paperwork from Kole?

    Thanks in advance


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