Conversation Between carcrazy and 64-389
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. 64-389
    08-09-2024 01:53 PM
    I would definitely be interested in pictures. Can you send some please? Feel free to use if that's easier. Thanks and sorry I missed this message at first.
  2. carcrazy
    07-31-2024 05:00 PM
    I have a 62 GP in that price range. Sold body with very little rust repair. About 1/2 the paint is stripped off.....original black car. Interior is rough. Needs windshield (cracked) and the steering wheel is deteriorated. Dash has cracks. Has a 3.23 posi differential, a turbo 400 and a 1965 421 that was previously a stock rebuild many, years ago. Likely needs rebuilt again. Ran well 11-12 years ago and then I gave it to me son to restore....he took a lot of parts off so the car but I believe they are pretty much all here. What I do also have for it (in addition to the original body parts) is fiberglass fenders and hood. Located in a bit of a drive. Could supply any pictures you need....just sitting in the garage waiting for my 67 GTO to be completed.

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