Conversation Between Dennis H. and 65 421 TODD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 65 421 TODD
    05-16-2015 08:09 AM
    65 421 TODD
    Hi Dennis, let me know if your interested in the Rally I wheels. thanks, Todd
  2. 65 421 TODD
    05-12-2015 09:31 AM
    65 421 TODD
    Hi Dennis, I'd like $1,100 for all 4 wheels, Rings, caps and lug nuts. Shipping will be actual cost with FedEx Ground. I took pictures last night and can send you some if you're interested. Let me know. Thanks, Todd
  3. Dennis H.
    05-07-2015 09:51 PM
    Dennis H.
    I might be interested. What are you asking for them?
  4. 65 421 TODD
    05-07-2015 11:28 AM
    65 421 TODD
    Hi Dennis, I have an original complete set of Rally I wheels that I may consider selling. They are in excellent condition. I bought them brand new from my local Pontiac dealer in 1976 while they were still available. They include Trim rings and center caps. I have repo lug nuts also to go with them. Let me know if you're interested and I can take pictures and send you a price. Thanks, Todd

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