Conversation Between frankyboy455 and robscar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. frankyboy455
    03-07-2014 07:28 AM
    ok thanks for the info. Frank.
  2. robscar
    03-06-2014 04:11 PM
    sorry about the delay, I forgot and then I could not find your message. I did get down to look at the wheel the other night. 3 were NH, 1 was JT. all have been on the front since the disc conversion and fit without issue.
  3. frankyboy455
    02-23-2014 03:56 PM
    I'd like to know what is the wheel code on your Firebird ? Reason I'm asking is I saw you put a INLINE TUBE disc brake conversion kit and was told it does not work with every rally wheel. Thanks, Frank.

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