Conversation Between frankyboy455 and Nicks67GTO
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. frankyboy455
    12-08-2010 07:30 AM
    I understand but I really need a H pattern since I don't want to cut the floor. Thanks anyway, sincerely, Frank.
  2. Nicks67GTO
    12-07-2010 08:35 PM

    I switched from my V-gate to the H pattern shifter a long time ago. I do not have a h-pattern for sale but i do have a Hurst V-Gate complete with linkage and install kit that ill sell. Bolt it on and go. You will not miss a shift with this thing. If you're interested in it let me know.
  3. frankyboy455
    12-03-2010 10:18 PM
    Just wondering if you still have your 5 speed shifter. In fact, I'm wondering if you switched to a regular H-type shifter ? Reason I'm asking is I am looking for a regular H pattern shifter for a Richmond 5 speed. Frank.

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