Conversation Between Half-Inch Stud and grahamp
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Half-Inch Stud
    11-17-2018 07:19 PM
    Half-Inch Stud
    they are all 268s 7028 & 7029
  2. grahamp
    11-17-2018 05:27 PM
    I need either a 7028273 or a 7029273 for a Judge Ram Air lll
  3. Half-Inch Stud
    11-17-2018 10:36 AM
    Half-Inch Stud
    I built 4 to get 2 for Dual Q-JETs on the Offyl intake. My engine has too low a vacuum, and i don't want to modify the Q-JETs to get idle, so the 1050 and spare junkyard Q-JET are it. How about $380 each shipped? HIS...Mark
  4. grahamp
    11-16-2018 10:18 PM
    If you have Rebuilt and genuine Q Jets for sale, please give me asking prices

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