Conversation Between Half-Inch Stud and michaelfind
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Half-Inch Stud
    01-09-2022 10:12 AM
    Half-Inch Stud
    $600 for SwiPitch TH400. Low-stall Off-idle pull away with 455 and 3.54:1 gear in the GTO with no mush theough the range, but decent 60-foots. High stall says 4000 and the pull away is still useful on the Street with the 455. the 4000 stall shows up on WOT, and gave about the same 60-foot inmycar and i probably never ued a good technique in hi-stall.
  2. michaelfind
    01-09-2022 12:12 AM
    I see. I misunderstood. I thought you were keeping the th400 for parts and selling the converter. How much are you asking for everything? Do you recall the high stall and low stall for that converter?
  3. Half-Inch Stud
    01-08-2022 09:39 PM
    Half-Inch Stud
    Converter no separate; goes with the TH400.
  4. michaelfind
    01-08-2022 10:56 AM
    Yes, I am probably interested in that 12" SP converter. Do you recall what model it is or what the low stall and high stall are for that torque converter?

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