Conversation Between formula kid and Pontiac signman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. formula kid
    07-09-2022 02:49 PM
    formula kid
    Adam it's Jon from Westwood I have a question. Do you have a Sun distributor machine?
  2. Pontiac signman
    07-31-2015 02:35 PM
    Pontiac signman
    Jon.....I'm good. First time I've been back on here since 2013! Been busy up in NY....Dad stuff, signs, now teaching in a Max Security Jail local to me.....haven't been too busy with pontiacs but still have the convert and HT lemans'....tubbing the HT, etc. Sold the '70 R/A formula a couple yrs back cell up here is 845-978-5490....hope you're doing ok too?

  3. formula kid
    01-28-2015 12:25 PM
    formula kid
    How are you doing have not heard from you in a while I hope all is good for you and the new year is better than last.
    Jon from Westwood
  4. formula kid
    08-19-2014 09:15 AM
    formula kid
    Adam bought a 74 Formula 4 spd car green with tan interior. Bought it off ebay from Montana. Looking for a g8 09 so I have a car to drive the trans of my 2000 GTP went my cell is 201-406-7061
  5. formula kid
    02-11-2009 06:54 PM
    formula kid
    Adam, do you work with neon signs? I have one that was given to me and the guy said only half lights up.
  6. Pontiac signman
    11-24-2008 09:25 AM
    Pontiac signman

    Just read that post....very cool. You always have a way of finding something way rare!

    Did you know that I have one of the 189 '70 R/A Formulas (WS/M-21/COZ)? Came from Englewood dealership, then up to New Paltz....trying to track down the orig. WS and M-21...found a COZ.

    BTW, I'll be a DAD in about 3 weeks! Had to sell off 2 GTO's for debts, but trying to hold onto the Formula. Still have my 2 '67 Lemans (convert and HT).

    Email me your cell #, and I'll try to give a call when I'm down....occasionally helping out at Blohm's in New Milford (he's in hospital)...but business is WAY DOWN...hope you're doing better than me?!?

  7. formula kid
    11-23-2008 10:59 PM
    formula kid
    Read my post about pontiac stories SD on the side of the road. It is true and happened last Thursday on RT 80 East.
  8. formula kid
    11-23-2008 10:47 PM
    formula kid
    Adam how are you doing have not seen you in awile Jon from Westwood

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