Conversation Between Steve Hoog and rickw
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Steve Hoog
    12-05-2008 10:16 AM
    Steve Hoog

    I'm just curious, do I know you? Either way I could probably help you.

    I only have room outside in the driveway; typically that is not an issue, I have left my 68 Firebird out there for 5 years and never once locked the doors to give you an idea.
  2. rickw
    12-05-2008 05:58 AM
    Hey Steve, I understand you live in Tulsa? I have a problem you might be able to help with. I've bought a 69 GTO from someone in Chicago, and someone else is driving it down south, but only as far as Tulsa. I need to find someone in Tulsa that can hang on to it for a couple of weeks until I can arrange to come from Fort Worth and get it. I'll also need to send you the cash to pay the guy driving it down. I think this will all happen next Wednesday or Thursday....

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