Tim john Tim john is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Grinch72
    09-22-2023 09:47 PM
    The guy in michigan with the warick blue gto . Can I get his number looking for a new project
  2. RayK455Bird
    01-16-2016 10:51 PM
    Tim, I'm sending my phone number in response to my Hurst Olds posting. For some reason I cannot respond to your pm. Anyhow, my phone number is 440-537-8764. Thanks...Ray
  3. thebuick
    07-23-2015 08:14 AM
    Hi how much for the 400 bumper emblem?
  4. Bob-o
    05-13-2015 04:13 PM
    please send pics of the lightning rods to wrightzsh@centurytel.net
  5. roundportponchos
    04-15-2014 12:34 AM
    guess mine is mia.. I would take yours,, let me know total 15102
  6. GregL
    02-20-2014 09:46 PM
    Hi Tim, How much for the console?
  7. bigpop
    07-05-2012 09:55 AM
    Hey Tj, Larry Banks here. Can you tell me what you sold Mike Brady, a friend in our club,what you sold that Q-Jet 7027263 for? I need to know where the pricing is for these? He said it was off a 30K mile HO.
    Thanks Larry B. LLB29@sbcglobal.net or PM here
  8. onethunderbird
    09-17-2011 09:38 AM
    Hello Tim, been trying to reach you, hope you are well. Wondering if you shipped the carb, have a great weekend!! Mike
  9. cnc
    02-09-2009 09:55 PM
    Tim I sent u a frienship request from here not sure I already did it or not
    If I did I apoligize I dont know how to see If I sent it to ya or not LOL thanks Tim...Chris
  10. Tim john
    10-31-2008 02:59 PM
    Tim john
    The trim will have to be removed to repair the dents sucessfully. The dents are pretty easy to work with and can be very sucessfully repaired. If you have access to the Fisher Body assembly manual it gives very good detail for the removal of the trim.

    Tim john---

About Me

  • About Tim john
    1967 GTO WS (H.O.) 4 spd. PHS documented
    Fur Trapping, Hunting & Fishing, Drag Racing, Sky Diving & Martial Arts
    Research and Development Technologist


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-24-2024 07:44 AM
  • Join Date: 04-22-2005
  • Referrals: 1


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