tom s tom s is offline

Ultimate Warrior

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
  1. tom s
    12-19-2023 10:01 PM
    tom s
    Nope,I sold a set a couple month ago.Look for a set of 73s and take the stacks off and fit them with twist ins.Tom
  2. Sun Tuned
    12-19-2023 09:55 PM
    Sun Tuned
    It’s Robert Davis. Are there any of the 62 plain steel 421 tall valve covers available that you know of? Someone said Ames was repop ping them for a bit, but I’ve not found any.

    Looking for a pair for my wagon project.

    Wasn’t sure if you had any ideas.

    Thank you
    Bob Davis
  3. 1lms
    06-27-2022 05:17 PM
    Chris LaCasse 5255 4th Street Rocklin,CA 95677
    Probably gave a 910 College Street Woodland,CA 95695 adrress as a ship to.
  4. tom s
    05-26-2022 11:17 PM
    tom s
    It has worked for me in the past but have not used the X for years.My bird with a H and shorty headers has a bad drone at 2000
  5. stevesbirds
    05-26-2022 09:48 PM
    Payment is off. USPS priority, about Tuesday.
  6. allenga
    04-25-2020 10:28 PM
    Hi Tom, rumors out that you cut out X pipes from exhaust on Pontiacs and removed drone? My Pypes with X pipe sucks. I hate it drone no matter what muffler.
  7. sberbs
    02-15-2019 10:08 AM
    I there do you have pictures of your rear end setup with ladder bars - I am looking to do this and don't want to reinvent the wheel
  8. tom s
    12-21-2018 10:21 PM
    tom s
    I think it would have to be about 12in over a stock one to clear,maybe more.
  9. azbirds
    12-21-2018 09:17 PM
    The distributor discussion has me thinking..... I know its tall for the short deck. how tall would you need one for the setup you are thinking? I'm bored at lunch so I'm always playing with lathes and mills. I'm always pushing to see exactly what I can do and would be willing to try making something for your project.
  10. 469
    12-03-2018 01:29 PM
    Hi Tom I was sent to you to see if you have info on a item I have. I have a Ram Air V prostock intake from the late 1960's I can send you some pics if I have your email.


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  • About tom s
    long beach ca usa


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 11:45 PM
  • Join Date: 01-11-2000
  • Referrals: 2


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