Cliff R Cliff R is offline

Ultimate Warrior

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  1. srmmmm
    09-11-2024 02:16 PM
    Hi Cliff, I've torn down my Q-Jet with the serious idle issues and it does look like the idle tubes are mangled. Pictures are in my thread. One user also mentioned inquiring about a modification to the base plate APT that I am not familiar with. Anyway, if you have a chance to look at the photos, I'd appreciate your input and if your willing to put together a kit with your recommended components, I'd certainly appreciate it. I really don't want to go to a Holley Sniper.... Thank you, Steve Mansen
  2. Cliff R
    05-11-2024 07:37 AM
    Cliff R
    Forum is still up, was just on it yesterday.

    What is you user name and email, I'll take a look at it....
  3. Dawbs
    05-10-2024 07:26 PM
    Cliff, is your forum still active? I get a message saying Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum. This ban will not expire.?
  4. beaumonts
    09-13-2023 06:36 PM
    Please disregard. He found the answer in a manual . I didn't have them marked wrong.
  5. beaumonts
    09-13-2023 03:38 PM
    Sorry to bother you again Cliff. I have the pistons getting pressed on my Rods and the machinist phoned and said I had the rods marked wrong.. he say's he marks #1 from the leading edge of the block. I explained I marked them for there actual layout in the block 1357 drivers side 2468 passenger side. Is the Rod orientation with the locking tabs towards the cam. Thank you very very much.
  6. beaumonts
    09-12-2023 08:09 PM
    Thank you Cliff, much appreciated.
  7. Cliff R
    09-12-2023 12:15 PM
    Cliff R
    It can be blocked off...
  8. beaumonts
    09-12-2023 10:29 AM
    Goodmorning Cliff, one more question if you have a moment. If your not running a heater core can you block of the nipple on the back passenger head and the water pump outlet. Or do you have to run a hose from the water pump to the back of the passenger cylinder head nipple. Thank you. Ty
  9. Cliff R
    09-12-2023 07:56 AM
    Cliff R
    It's another wives tale with quite a few negatives and no positives. Here is what Lars had to say about it when I asked him:

    Many years ago, I made the mistake of installing some pistons backwards. It did not work well at all, and I ended up doing a teardown to correct it.

    The thought that a bunch of yahoos on a Forum think they know more about piston design than the engineers who design pistons is pretty absurd. Even when you have custom-made race pistons designed and built they are of the same basic design geometry with offsets and an oval cam-grind shape to compensate for asymmetrical expansion due to asymmetrical mass. There is a damned good reason the piston designers do not design the pistons to mimic a backwards-installed piston.
  10. beaumonts
    09-11-2023 08:23 PM
    They did the piston offset on engine masters with Freiberger and surprise no horsepower gain. probably just cylinder thrust wear.

About Me

  • About Cliff R
    Retired and self employed. Got the new shop finished, buried in carb work!
    Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
    Racing, performance cars
  • Signature
    If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a Veteran!
    73 Ventura, SOLD 455, 3740lbs, 11.30's at 120mph, 1977 Pontiac Q-jet, HO intake, HEI, 10" converter, 3.42 gears, DOT's, 7.20's at 96mph and still WAY under the roll bar rule. Best ET to date 7.18 at 97MPH (1/8th mile),


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  • Last Activity: Today 03:25 PM
  • Join Date: 11-09-2000
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