Ken W & E Ken W & E is offline

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  1. ponderopa66
    07-21-2009 06:00 PM
    Ken, I apologize for not responding. I have not been on the forum much since spring. I got laid off, and haven't had the $ to spend on the car! I don't have tri-power, so am not sure about the gasket.
    Regards, Houston
  2. Ken W & E
    05-01-2009 12:25 PM
    Ken W & E
    Hi, my name is Ken and I am new to the group. I am restoring a 66 gto 389, tri-power, four speed. I am a backyard mechanic and have a question on the intake manifold. It has a recessed 1 1/8" dia. hole water passage through the timing case cover. In the new gasket kit there is a 1 1/16" O.D. X 1/2" center hole. This is a very sloppy fit. The last person who replaced this seal used blue permatex encaseing the seal which was off center and he used a knife to trim the I.D. Parts houses have no answer for this. What is the correct leak free installation? If it is a larger seal where can I get one? Thanks Ken


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  • Last Activity: 05-09-2009 10:35 PM
  • Join Date: 04-25-2009
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