MikeyB MikeyB is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Stuart
    01-21-2024 12:22 PM
    Assuming this is for a car used on the street, try the street section: https://forums.maxperformanceinc.com...play.php?f=418
  2. Stuart
    01-19-2024 08:34 PM
    Hello -

    Welcome to the site. You'll get a faster response to your question if you post it in the appropriate tech section of the forum. Go to this link, and scroll down to find the section you need. https://forums.maxperformanceinc.com/forums/
  3. MikeyB
    01-19-2024 02:13 PM
    Hello, I have a stock 1973 455, 4br, I plan to replace the stock 4X Heads with 6X-4 heads from a 350. The 6X’s are getting reconditioned at the Machine shop including exhaust valves upgraded
    to 1.77.
    If the deck surfaces need no or minimal removal what CR can I expect to obtain?
    If I choose to have deck surface milled how much milling will give me the maximum CR using 93 octane pump gas?
    Also what cam would give me the best street able performance?
    Thanks in advance

About Me

  • About MikeyB
    1973 Grand Prix, 1971 Grand Prix, 1967 Catalina 2 dr hard top
    West Virginia


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  • Last Activity: 05-10-2024 03:26 PM
  • Join Date: 01-19-2024
  • Referrals: 0

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