Geoff Geoff is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. jhfaust
    10-17-2018 09:55 PM
    Hi Geoff, thanks for the info on the motor mount.. I'll give that a try. Where exactly do you place the jack under the car to lift the engine? I don't want to put it under something that will break/bend etc and make the situation worse.. not sure if I've been in touch with you before but I'm originally from Brewarrina, NSW but I've been living in the US for the last 45 years.. where are you located in Australia. Thanks, Jim.
  2. dcfirebottle
    06-24-2014 09:54 AM
    Hey Geoff, Thank you for the message. So your saying that using the smaller (underdriven) WP pulley is okay to use with the other stock pulleys? Thanks. Doug
  3. Blue1967GTO
    04-24-2014 06:58 PM
    Your PM box is full, I can't reply to your message about E10 fuel and tripower...
  4. 1966geeto
    01-08-2014 05:02 PM
    I would but I'm running March pulleys with a serp belt the stock fan will not bolt up I have one and a fact shroud..
  5. Aus Goat
    01-05-2014 08:54 AM
    Aus Goat
    Hi Geoff
    mate I have missed placed your set up for a PerTronix 111 system with MSD coil etc I am currently changing over on my next trip home ..
    e curve any benefit ??

  6. Aus Goat
    06-24-2013 03:46 AM
    Aus Goat
    Hey Geoff its craig ( Brisbane GTO 1968 convertible ) mate I have a question about dizzy set ups . MSD vrs Petro 111 . I need to get a new dizzy so do I go flame thrower with petro 111 ? or 6al MSD set up . I run a gt40 coil so if you want me to change out let me know.
    Currently working in Vietnam so heaps of time to search the net for parts . found a set of sharp rockers 1:65 just checking will they fit under standard rocker cover and suit engine without drama

    my email over here
  7. roland bourbeau
    05-19-2013 08:45 PM
    roland bourbeau
    tks Geoff think I just figured out where my gas mileage is going.This is a new engine .I have only 150 miles on it and have not reved over 3000 rpm but gas mileage is so bad I keep looking under car for that I read your post.I AM GOING TO RUN MANIFOLD vacuum and I think my problem is solved.its funny because it idled rock solid. tks again
  8. Tom Hand
    09-29-2009 10:25 PM
    Tom Hand
    Geoff, did you ever get to Dad? is still him.

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  • Last Activity: Today 01:21 AM
  • Join Date: 07-31-2005
  • Referrals: 1

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