blueghoast blueghoast is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. NeighborsComplaint
    05-20-2020 02:18 AM
    I'll go out on a limb here and say I'll bet they are small block Chevy heads for Pontiac corporate motors. If not, let me know. you can order 2 pairs and make the seller happy. Drop ship one pair to me. I'll PayPal you tomorrow. I need the 84 cc DPorts for 455, flat tappet springs.

  2. blueghoast
    03-29-2017 09:18 PM
    Sorry I don't have any extras just whats in my car.
    I'll check with xlrate to see what he has, But most of his stuff is 63.

  3. Tom63LeMans
    03-25-2017 08:34 AM
    Hi BG. I bought some parts from you at Norwalk a few years ago and traded some 62 bumpers. I need two of the left side instrument cluster mounting brackets. This is the bracket that attaches to the instrument panel with 2 screws and has the stud that goes into the dash. I built a custom insert for my panel, modified my left bracket to work on both sides, misplaced it and have never seen it again. Do you have any? Thanks, Tom
  4. vtwhead
    03-19-2014 05:16 AM
    BG, that blue in the pic is the work platform of the sewing table. I will post another pic but it will be later this week as I am working this week in the sugar house (maple syrup season here)
  5. MD79TA
    02-16-2013 04:52 PM
    if you dont mine me asking do you like that mr gasket shifter ? Did you buy it new? Doug
  6. blueghoast
    03-31-2011 07:13 PM
    Well cool I'm sure I'll see ya at Toco Bell this summer
  7. sal70lemans
    03-30-2011 08:29 AM

    I live in BC, too. Welcome to PY and hope to see you around some day. I usually go to the Red Barn Spectacular at Gilmore's, Cruise the Gut in BC and Cruise to the Fountain in Marshall every year. Occasionally at Taco Bell on Saturdays, too. Other than that I'm usually cruising around in my Lemans on the weekends if the weather is nice.

  8. blueghoast
    03-28-2011 09:32 PM
    Hi I live in Battle Creek I also go to Gilmores.
    Not as much as I would like but hope to go
    More this year see ya there I'll stop by and
    Say hey.
  9. arbys
    03-28-2011 06:32 PM
    I live in Richland and Wed. nights go to the Gilmore car Museum for the cruise in. Usually 5 or 6 Pontiacs plus 150 other car. Go to the Gilmore site for details.


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  • Join Date: 01-30-2011
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