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sdbob 03-26-2024 09:40 AM

Having medical tests done. Some results.
Last spring gastrointestinal dr thought I should get a CT scan done. I had some constipation before Norwalk. Anyway test didnt show any intestinal problems. However it showed enlarged lymph nodes in chest and abdomen. Sent me to. local cancer center. The dr is a women very kind very understanding and calming. She recommended a PET scan. Which showed small prostate cancer.She didnt seem too concerned as cancer was small. They will watch it.Today I had a bone marrow sample taken in my hip. I had to use a hospital bed and not hard exam table.It feels almost like a muscle ache. This was done to ck my blood functioning I cant think of any other term. My
blood work has always been normal. Just thought I'd share if anyone is going to need these tests. If I have to PET scan again on that hard table I'll want something to relax my lower back muscles as they started cramping after about 25 minutes I guess nervous.

Scarebird 03-26-2024 10:40 AM

Good luck.

Shiny 03-26-2024 11:26 AM

Sounds like you are getting great help and caught it early. Feel good about both. Sounds like the discomfort during the procedure is rough but you got through it and the test results will be worth it.

sdbob 03-26-2024 12:26 PM

I've been told by a nurse that the prostate is the most curable in men. Dr didnt present results to the tumor board,(drs there discuss all cases) she didnt think it was necessary,yet. I've seen my urologist every year for 15 yrs. He said
that some men will pass before cancer
affects them. He has taken a prostate sample years ago that was fine.My PSA has been below 3 for years. Oh the enlarged lymph nodes in chest was due too sinus infection.

tooski 03-26-2024 08:25 PM

I have learned that over 90% of prostate cancers are slow moving. Most likely old age shut down will get you first. Three of my friends were diagnosed. All underwent different types of treatment but still will have to do life long drugs. Discovered via PSA tests then biopsies. I had my doctor also tell me that PSA tests alone can give false readings.
Keep on the diagnostics and good luck.

4dblnkldude 03-26-2024 08:41 PM

Stay positive, Bob. Think of your super duty when laying on that table.

sdbob 03-27-2024 07:00 AM

Thanks. I was thinking of breathing slowly relaxing. It's funny when I was self employed. I'd crawl into places that I just fit my chest,didnt think about bugs or varmints. Now i was nervous getting into the PET scan,for 30 minutes. Aging i guess. Been thinking uncovering TA cleaning it and going for a ride when roads are clean of anti skid and winter salt.

nUcLeArEnVoY 03-27-2024 08:35 AM

ER Nurse here.

Most men who live past 80 have malignancy in their prostate and die with it. It is a very slow-growing cancer, which is why she is recommending watching and waiting. The good thing is, you are in the realm where prevention takes precedent over cure, which is ALWAYS more effective with cancer. For instance, somebody who has Barrett's esophagus, which is a condition where the epithelial tissue lining of the esophagus is replaced with the same tissue the small intestine is made of due to constant exposure and damage by stomach acid secondary to unmanaged GERD, has a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer. Those patients are ordered to have endoscopies every two years, and so if even the slightest INKLING of neoplasia or mutation is found during their preventative endoscopies, it's removed before it can ever even become REMOTELY problematic. When a potential for cancer is on your provider's radar, that is always your best chance of it never actually being an issue. It's when it is incidentally found after it had already advanced to stages where treatment is difficult that cancer develops its reputation as a death sentence. Theoretically, no cancer is ever threatening if caught in its early stages, but there in lies the issue.

I have a major predisposition toward prostate cancer, at least I suspect I do since I have three half brothers (same father, different mother) who all had it by the time they were 55 (all of them were cured and are fine, and oddly enough my father didn't have it), so every year I get my routine checkup and bloodwork done, I request a PSA count be drawn from my blood, and I'm only 36. PSA stands for "Prostate Specific Antigen," which an elevated amount can often be linked with prostate cancer. However, it's known not to be a 100% reliable way to detect prostate cancer, as levels can occasionally fluctuate based on hormones or other prostate diagnoses such as prostatitis (which is simply inflammation of the prostate). That's why PSA count is better done as a longterm blood drawn to detect PATTERN recognition rather than isolated blood draw where it's elevated. I.E., if you have your PSA drawn yearly and it slowly keeps going up, that may be a good indicator of malignancy.

Either way, fret not. Prostate cancer is very treatable, one of the more easier cancers to treat, and your's isn't even big enough that your doctor recommends intervention yet. So now your responsibility is to simply STAY ON TOP OF IT and seek guidance from your doctor regarding what intervals the tumor needs to be re-assessed before she will decide to finally take it out, even if it comes to that.

You'll be alright, my friend.

sdbob 03-27-2024 12:39 PM

I've been seeing urologist for at least 15 yrs. At one time my psa was almost 10. Took a sample.With medication and time it has gotten below 3. Blood work for PCP and urologist done at least once a year.
The dermatologist last year found small spot on bridge of my nose,cancerous. Removed and ckd yearly. My skin tags weren't cancerous. I'm glad they caught that spot.

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