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goatboy1970 04-07-2023 03:04 PM

BS Check on Interior Quote
I got a quote to get my headliner installed. I told the guy I have all of the parts: the headliner, the bows, the clips, the insulation, the windlace. I just need the thing installed. He gave me a high-but reasonable number for the headliner install, but then said that the windlace takes as long as long as the headliner to install, so that would be at least double, maybe more. That sounded really odd to me. I always thought the windlace was part of the install and have never heard of it being that hard to install before or adding cost to the install. Is this legit?

JLMounce 04-07-2023 05:39 PM

I'm not sure how you complete a headliner install without the windlace?

this was during the pandemic and I'm sure prices are much higher now, but I paid a bit more than $400.00 for a headliner install that included the windlace and sail panels in 1 69 Firebird. Like you, I supplied all of the parts, just had to pay labor.

jamesq 04-07-2023 10:34 PM

I paid $800 for a station wagon install, this price included the wind lace,
This was labor only, I supplied the headliner. This was about six months ago.
There are very few true trim shops around any longer!

James Q

rambow 04-10-2023 01:53 PM

Repop windlace is a PITA to install. Its 100% a fact.
Talking about the stuff above the windshield, around the back window and on the sides\quarter glass...

If you are using originals it will pop right back on super easy, but my fingers hurt just RECALLING the hassle of using the repop stuff. Especially making it fit the contours of the quarter windows and the back window.

That said, I just suck it up, its part of a headliner job- though there have been times in the past where i have given someone a better price if all i did was the stretch and glue portion of the install, and they finished up all the trim and stuff themselves later.

Could just be a job he doesn't want to do and is giving you the matching quote for that.
I have no problem doing headliners, but I charge accordingly for how much a PITA they are and have no problem telling people that there are others who will do it for less.

Really comes down to if you trust the person to do a good job or not and if its worth their price.

For reference My "I don't really want this job" headliner price is $1000 (done at their house/shop with them providing the headliner).
If its a friend or repeat customer and a car I know won't be a hassle then I charge around $500.

In my area you could take it to a brick & mortar interior shop it would be between $500-$800 for the same thing depending on the shop and the guy... I charge a premium to do it onsite(which already is a PITA) and because often they are just a PITA project.
The absolute best shop in my area charges $1k to do a bow headliner... So i figure i'm in the ballpark with the onsite service.

Fact is its a fading skill, the last new cars that had bow headliners were in the early 70's... 50 years ago.
Most trim shops today would rather try to figure out how to custom fit/make a 1 peice then put in an original style headliner... But Its really not a hard skill to learn and do- and for the price of a headliner (~$250) you can ruin one learning and still come in cheaper than most shops will charge (and may only do a questionable job anyway)

If you are so inclined to try it yourself... This is the writeup I share with folks- it was how I learned. Headliner article & pics starts on Page 5:

ID67goat 04-10-2023 02:42 PM

Had one shop quote me a super high price before so I just asked him why it was so high. Basically he was throwing out the "I don't want to do it" price because he hated working on car stuff anymore and was making plenty of money sitting at the bench making custom Harley seats.

I appreciated the honesty in that case but wish he would have just told me he didn't want the work.

Rlfehl 06-02-2023 02:58 AM

I did my own...well, my wife and I did it. For sure the windlace took at least as long as the headliner and getting the headliner glued and all of the wrinkles out was a PITA.

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