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Search: Posts Made By: Roofy
Forum: THE LOBBY 09-01-2023, 02:23 AM
Replies: 27
Views: 2,829
Posted By Roofy
It's probably not anyone else's cup of tea on...

It's probably not anyone else's cup of tea on here, but last year I saw Rob Zombie, Powerman 5000, Static X, and Mudvayne on their Freaks On Parade tour at Blossom towards Cleveland. Was an amazing...
Forum: THE LOBBY 09-01-2023, 01:18 AM
Replies: 38
Views: 4,847
Posted By Roofy
I don't care if the GM engineers ever confirmed...

I don't care if the GM engineers ever confirmed or denied it. But you can't tell me that with the ease that the LS drops into them, they didn't intend for the LS to be easily swapped into a Solstice,...
Forum: THE LOBBY 04-15-2023, 02:09 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 2,319
Posted By Roofy
As far as the wheel size debate, according to PHS...

As far as the wheel size debate, according to PHS 14s and 15s were both available for 1968. My tire placard lists both available as well
Forum: THE LOBBY 03-28-2023, 11:16 PM
Replies: 296
Views: 41,091
Posted By Roofy
I have a couple pictures of original aircleaner...

I have a couple pictures of original aircleaner and tire information labels from my 1968 Catalina if you're needing those. It's 1968 400 2bbl 3 speed automatic. Let me know if you need additional...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-06-2023, 12:22 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,547
Posted By Roofy
If you have a car with a TH350, a BOP or unicase...

If you have a car with a TH350, a BOP or unicase 200-4r will be a direct swap with only needing to move the transmission crossmember, and the addition of a kickdown cable bracket to your carburetor...
Forum: THE LOBBY 09-29-2022, 01:53 AM
Replies: 277
Views: 28,806
Posted By Roofy
I get tired of all the handwringing when the...

I get tired of all the handwringing when the massive drop in EV efficiency when towing or in colder climates is brought up by people, but is then immediately dismissed by "the powers that be" as...
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