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Old 09-11-2007, 10:30 PM
Tin Injun Tom Tin Injun Tom is offline
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Originally Posted by YVEYANT
I did some reading on that and everything I can find states the skin of Mangos have the same oil Urushiol which is what causes the itch and skin reaction. Everything I read claims the skin of the Mango can cause these allergies, not prevent it.
Ant, thanks for putting up the extra information. I've never read anything on the subject, I just know my folks have had no poison ivy breakouts since they started regularly eating the fresh fruit. I'm sure they always peal the things before eating. I've seen them do this a few times. And they are not the type that casually repeats BS, without finding out for themselves.
Someone who is extra sensitive to poison ivy would probably need to use caution when handling them.