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Old 07-31-2008, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Tech @ BG View Post
You would be correct but I am hearing rumblings that there may be changes coming down the road. Right now there is not much accountability for what is posted on internet forums unless you are just downright slanderous but there are several lawsuits going worldwide which could change that. I don't remember the exact details [was not an automotive related] but a large company/corporation was sueing a consumer who had made numerous postings which had affected their business. I had heard this story on the tv news and do not know the outcomes but the newscaster went on to imply that this could very well make those think twice that post false , wrong or even information with half truths in it . They also went on to say this could set a precedent that regardless of the situation if the company could prove the postings caused losses that they may still have the recourse to bring suit and seek damages. It will be interested in seeing how all of this plays out over the next couple of years .
Yeah,and said companies can also loose their ass when the accusations are found to be true,and the defendant counter-sues the plaintiff for harrasment and such.

It's a double edge sword amigo.

The second you guys go after your customers,you would be taking your livelyhood into your own hands,and not in a good way either.

That is a very touchy subject around here,as one of our members is facing exactly what your talking about,it is his case that you are likely refering to hearing about,it was a former sponsor of this forum that is suing him,that situation has polarized lots of folks opinions on who's side they're on.

IMO,you guys would do well to listen to the customers once and a while,instead of acting like you already have all the answers (or the only answers that matter).


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