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Old 07-31-2008, 01:42 PM
Ultimate Warrior
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: West Central Florida
Posts: 14,756

screamingchief. I think you read to much into his post. I agree with the statement that it seems John Q. Public can slam anyone and people seem to back them up not knowing all the facts because corporations now-a-days are looked at in the same light as the government. But let a company say something to back up there claim and they should not get involved or it will affect thier business. That's a bunch of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your right no matter who, you should have a right to express your facts. Then judge it from there. I have read pages upon pages on YB and this just goes to back up my point.

What is really a shame is that a person can say anything he wants on the internet and that he ran a BG pump and had nothing but issues.

BUT how is anyone outside his personal circle really gonna know if it's fact or fiction. I see it all the time and keep my mouth shut.

Why slam a manufacture if they have a valid point and just post the facts from their end?

So free speech with facts isn't allowed for all?