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Old 09-10-2009, 07:37 PM
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Tom Vaught Tom Vaught is offline
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[QUOTE=nonnova;3763100]Ask an auto worker that received a layoff his opinion about that. Since you're in Michigan I'm sure it would be easy to find one.

Auto Worker can also be a Salaried Worker, Not just a Plant Worker.

Originally Posted by nonnova View Post
Where does Ford (an American company) spend it's profit? Mexico...making the new powerstroke engine. Where does Toyota spend it's profit? Right here building a plant in America employing my fellow American workers.
Right on!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm more concerned about my fellow American worker then where the "profit" from a car goes. An American worker spends his paycheck here helping our economy, A Mexican worker does not.
I very seriously doubt that Toyota spends it profits ONLY in the USA and Not Japan. Seriously Doubt that comment.

The Plant in Mexico is a very small part of the overall Ford Work Force.

"Ford’s Dearborn Truck Plant will resume maximum operation of three shifts in late September. While there are currently three separate crews at the plant, they work on a rotating basis. Each crew works for four weeks and is then on “layoff” for two weeks, said Ford spokeswoman Marcey Evans.

The move will enable all 2,800 employees at Dearborn Truck to work on a full-time basis, removing 900 people from Michigan’s weekly unemployment rolls. Ford supplements those unemployment payments so workers receive their full wage."


""You're guaranteed a certain amount of work" under the union's contract with Ford, said Brian Meekins, a trustee at UAW Local 919 at Norfolk Assembly. When Ford idles a plant, "unemployment kicks in and pays us their maximum amount, and then SUB pay kicks in."

How come you conveniently forgot to include that little fact Nonnova???

If I am standing in the unemployment line, I AM NOT collecting a full paycheck by a long shot as a salaried worker.

One last comment about the Japanese:

The Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA), an association of 14 Japanese automakers doing business in America, notes that they collectively employ 3,600 R&D workers at 36 facilities nationwide. But fail to tell the whole story - Thanks largely to Ford, GM and Chrysler, more than 65,000 Americans work in auto R&D in Michigan alone.

3600 R&D workers vs 65,000 R&D (Engineering) American Workers in Michigan alone.

Tom Vaught

"Engineers do stuff for reasons" Tom Vaught

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