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Old 02-08-2013, 03:24 AM
crustysarge crustysarge is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
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Originally Posted by itsme View Post
I got one too. LOL I was about to ask if anyone else got a PM from him. But, I didn't trash him. I offered to help him then, I offered to help the other members and make headers. He even said I broke some admin rules and site rules by posting. I responded by asking him to tell me what I did or said that attack and broke the rules. I think he has me confused with someone. I wonder if he just made one PM and sent it to everyone because the one he sent me didn't apply to me. I also told him since I took the time to read his PM I at least deserve a response. Now it is more then, two weeks later and I have heard nothing from him. He claims he is shipping headers every week.

That is bizarre, you broke the forum rules so he chastised you. What about the rules (and laws) he has broke?

Come out Ron, be a man and hone up to your lies and cheating ways and pay our money back, or come up with a plan to do it over time. Your failure to act will come back on you, trust me.