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Old 02-10-2013, 06:20 PM
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Alvin Alvin is offline
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Lightbulb Paul - List the specific movies you are looking to view for assistance

Originally Posted by Greg Reid View Post
I still think Netflix is a great deal. I really like the flat rate monthly fee of only $7.99 as opposed to somewhere between $1 and $5 per event.
I watch a lot of foreign films, independent films, documentaries and that kind of stuff. Things that I find while browsing that sound interesting. Most of them, I didn't even know existed until they popped up on the carousel. A fair proportion of the stuff I view, I don't even finish watching. If I don't like it, I switch it off and find something else. If I was paying per title, like with Redbox or Vudu, I'd be wasting my money....and I always have the option of using Vudu, Redbox, Hulu, etc. if there is a specific title or new release that I want to see.
Netflix is still a good deal in my opinion.
I agree with you Greg.

Anyone who has a problem finding specific movies would be best assisted in finding them in another venue by listing the titles they can not find.

IIRC: Within the past couple of years ALL movie companies and distributers have been holding back on their new releases to various live/ on demand formats, etc.

It all boils down to the contract $s. Think of the "But Not On DISH" commercial blasts for what Im talking about.