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Old 08-04-2014, 02:45 PM
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Ccass Ccass is offline
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Originally Posted by 77 TRASHCAN View Post
How many people do you all think, were fed???
That's always the million dollar question.

Here is the food we went through:

125 hamburgers
120 Hot Dogs
90 bbq rib sandwiches
80 pepper & Onion Sausage
20 lbs of shredded bbq pork
10 lbs of bbq Chicken Breast
250 Hamburger rolls
250 Hot dog rolls
4 cases of Water
3 Cases of Soda (pop)
Undetermined amount of RedRum cocktails
A box of 300 forks was empty at the end of the night

Generous and appreciated donations from PY Members included:

100+ pieces of freshly fried(pit side), hand delivered Chicken
(compliments of the boys at Fast Automotive)
Crock Pot of Swedish Meatballs
Crock Pot of High Octane Bean Dip w/ Chips
Another Crock Pot of Bean Dip w/Chips
2 large trays of Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 monster packages of Oreo style cookies. ( I prefer the chocolate ones)
More marinated Chicken Breast
4 additional cases of Water

I'm happy to say, that there was literally nothing wasted after the last person ate and as far as I know, nobody walked away hungry.

Thanks to my staff Eric, Brian and Mike for their help in setting up and then clean up afterward. (we need to breakdown part of our display to use the tables for the bbq and then put the tables back and reset our product displays)

Thanks to staff member Bob H (shotgun) for taking over Banquet Manager duties for the evening.

Thanks to Joe from CarTel for the use of his Grill.

A special thanks to our cookers Kevin, Amy and Emily. For the first time in 12 years, I actually got to chat with some of our guests! I felt so uncomfortable without a grill tool in my hand.

If anyone can't wait until this time next year, then come to our 2015 Open House Friday night June 19th where we will be hosting a similar BBQ at the Cruise-in.

Fool Around, Get Hurt, Don't come Crying to me.