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Old 12-31-2019, 02:29 PM
avman avman is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: New Orleans, La.
Posts: 314

To be clear, since that seems to be required, I discussed a dollar amount that I had discussed with 2 other people a few months ago, and you, Tom, made that into a price that you would sell the manifold only for.
I don't appreciate the suggestion that I was trying to "lowball" you. I am taken completely by surprise that you could have misunderstood my reply, and I made it clear in a follow up message, highlighting my original text that discussed the carburetors as a separate negotiation.
I don't lowball anyone, and I'm posting this publicly to make sure that your insinuation isn't going to label me.
Wow, I'm just shocked that you could misunderstand plain language, be so offended, and post publicity what could be taken as besmirching me over this.
All of the back and forth messages are in my PM box if any moderators care to review them