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Old 05-09-2022, 01:43 PM
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Formulabruce Formulabruce is offline
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I have posted on Fuel a few times, and hope real results, supplant theoretical science.
1 Alcohol Does have more calories than gasoline per volume. More calories, More heat.
2. The mass density of Alcohol, is much LESS than regular unleaded. This, Even though alcohol has a higher octane,
Means you need MORE of it, to do the same work.
3. The lack of fuel economy with alcohol is WELL KNOWN.
Take a look at a window sticker on a new car or 1/2 ton truck. Look at the " range" per tank full. Its usually 30% Less with e85
4. So where's the heat? If you drive 100 miles on e85 at 65 mph, your rpm might be at 2,000 RPM.
Same vehicle, with just 10% alcohol will do the 100 miles at
1800 RPM.
Same vehicle with straight unleaded will do the 100 miles at only 1600 RPM.
All fuels at same octane rating, STP.
While what I wrote above in my example is hypothetical, the EPA ratings say it all.
Conclusion.. More RPM, with a fuel that has low density, but MORE octane, Equals MORE HEAT.
Even though alcohol has more calories , its weak compared to regular fuel.
Due to evaporate properties. And its lower " percolating " temp, means it needs to be kept cooler than regular fuel.
Real world results prove the added heat due to harder work needed to be done to get the job done.

"The Future Belongs to those who are STILL Willing to get their Hands Dirty" .. my Grandfather