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Old 09-02-2022, 03:00 PM
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Default Agreed.

Originally Posted by fiedlerh View Post
I always get a kick out of the "magic carburetor" stories. It's always an uncle or former co-worker with a "secret carburetor" that was "accidentally installed" on their car. Having the government/dealer/big oil confiscate the carburetor adds to the BS factor.
Basic physics say there isn't enough energy in gasoline and not enough mechanical efficiency in a 1960's production engine to get 60-200 mpg.

Speaking of a humorous MPG story*...
Two Sun Electric engineers teamed up to compete in one of those fuel economy contests that the oil companies ran in the 60's or 70's. They ran a Corvette. They narrowly missed finishing first. Being engineers they calculated the cause of their narrow loss was because of the extra weight of a celebratory 12 pack of beer they stowed on the car.

*For you historians, I could not find details on past contestants, so I believe this was a local event and not one of the well-known nationwide contests.
Heard those stories when I worked at Balch Pontiac back in the 70's.

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― Calvin Coolidge