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Old 11-05-2022, 09:32 PM
Trevor78 Trevor78 is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 593
Default New rollers on window regulators

Has anyone ever added new rollers onto their window regulators? I'm not talking about the bolt on rollers commonly sold that mount on the door glass, but the regulators themselves. These are riveted on, 2 types. I assume that power and manual could have the same but haven't checked.

A few replacement rivet-on rollers are available for other models and 1st gens, as are larger kits that included a bolt-on version which would be far better. But you'd need many kits to do this, and they require different sizes, of which I also haven't checked yet.

I'm just cleaning up a spare set of regulators that will eventually all be swapped over during door glass swap. They still have the original rollers, as nearly every car would it seems. There's also the possibility of warming and pressing a new roller onto existing riveted ball mount. Or just leaving alone and hope they aren't too worn or brittle. Thought I'd see what others have done first for ideas.