Thread: Boat issues
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Old 09-03-2023, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by george kujanski View Post
Hey's a Rochester 2GC, forgot to mention. Jon, just how is this supposed to work, anyway? Should i be able to blow thru the fuel inlet to unseat the valve? That's not happening unless my lungs can't develop enuf pressure. When setting the float all i did was turn it upside down with the weight of the float pressing down on the valve.

George - this is the proper procedure.

Maybe you are not blessed with as much "hot air" as others

The spring-loaded fuel valve was developed for two reasons for use in both marine and off-road applications:

(1) As mentioned by others, to maintain a more stable fuel level in the bowl
(2) To eliminate damage to the float itself from shocks of wave movement or large bumps (maybe I need to add them to my personal road vehicles, I can fish in local potholes after a good rain! ).

It may be that there is a sharp edge on the seat orifice caused by broaching that is causing the valve to hang. Quality control on some products is not what it used to be.

If you don't do a lot of wake-crashing, perhaps Cliff's idea of using a conventional fuel valve is the solution.


"Good carburetion is fuelish hot air".

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If you truly believe that "one size fits all" try walking a mile in your spouse's shoes!

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