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Old 04-16-2024, 08:39 PM
hurryinhoosier62 hurryinhoosier62 is offline
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Originally Posted by justincampbell View Post
This might be a dumb question, but since I only throw things out when they beyond saving, I have to ask anyway.

I have a set or two of OHC 6 main caps that are pitted on the surface that the bearing lays in. Some of the pits are as big in diameter as a pin. Since this is on the back side of the "important" surface, can they still be used? Or are they junk?

Sorry I didn't take any pics yet. I can get some if this is not just a black and white, yes or no situation.
Depends on the size and depth of the pits. Pitting could lead to cracking, but I have never seen a main cap crack simply from pitting alone.

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