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Old 11-28-2003, 01:14 AM
judge_jury_executioner_69 judge_jury_executioner_69 is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
Posts: 957

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tom Vaught:
As usual PE put out a fine magazine this month.

Everyone will say I am crying "Sour Grapes" but I have a few questions and comments:

1) Very Truthful article (for the most part).

a) Compare a 281 cid engine with a 346 cid engine
so about 65 cubic inches more for the Pontiac GTO

b) Engine rated at 350 HP for the GTO and only made 259.1 so where is Mr GTO with his crap about
Ford lying to the customers about Ford's Mustang
HP numbers when the 2004 GTO is 100 hp short!

c) Ford Mustang rated at 305 and testers say more like 320 actual.

d) Mustang received by testers and UNTOUCHED by anyone during the testing.

e) GTO received by testers and cannot get out of
its way (repeatedly spanked by Mustang in initial
testing). 14.7 ets vs low 14s for Ford.

f) GTO taken to well known LS-1/LS-6 tuners where
they trick the coolant temp sensor to make the computer go rich, ice the intake and mass air meter after they wipe the factory calibration so
the GTO computer is starting from scratch. No
tweaks were made to the Mustang (BONE STOCK)! The
Mach 1 would have passed emissions testing, we all
know the GTO would not after those mods.

g) Complain that GTO had bad gas but say the GTO engine pulls hard about 20 mph. BAD GAS does not
act that way. Bad gas runs bad at all speeds so
feeble excuse there. Didn't both cars get the same gas? Should have to be fair test.

h) Had Pontiac drivers drive both the Mustang and the GTO, naturally no bias there by the Pontiac
crowd. Drag racers not normally known for driving
a pylon course and is obvious from pics that cars
are in the wrong spot on the track for each pylon.

i) Will all of these tweaks on the GTO the Mach 1 Mustang runs 102 mph in the quarter vs 98 mph with less horsepower (interesting). Comment is
made that the Mustang has a balky shifter so no
one can drive a Manual Trans any more? Interesting
as a Mustang driver might have run much faster when driving the car.

j) Mach 1 tweaked cars are running low 12s out of
the box vs a tweaked GTO that runs 14.05?

The writers even go so far as to point out that the original 64 GTO test was so bad they had to put out specially tuned GTOs (421 engines ) to
make good advertising claims.

This test also looks really bad when comparing APPLES to APPLES without tweaking.

They do make a comment about how they are going to stay away from 400 hp Cobras. (Picking on cripples, just like the old days and staying away
from the fast cars.

Just like the old times after all!

Tom V.

i LOVE it. yo uhave to understand i have a big piss on ford sticker on my back glass ( about 1 foot wide and maybe 2 foot tall ) had it "custom" made. im not a ford guy at all but i HATE the new GTO. if they didnt want a retro look why call it the GTO ?

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