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Old 09-28-2013, 02:58 AM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Niles MI.
Posts: 4,319

The shipping weight is not close to what the cars really weigh. Your car will be closer to 3800 lbs then the 3400 lbs. Shipping weight is with everythng dry so GM & other mgf's can get abreak on th amount they pay for shipping from the plant to the dealer. Most all those era cars are in the 3800-3900 lbs range. To be 100% sure find a scale at a local wrecking yard or a place that take scrap metal, you'll be suprised at how much the car really weighs when you get there. Also forgot the weight bais ins't to bad there about 60/40 with the front being heavy. With the engine being set back into the cowl area some makes them much better then the older birds.