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Old 07-04-2020, 01:43 PM
mgarblik mgarblik is offline
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Originally Posted by geeteeohguy View Post
That changes the whole thing entirely. The Avalanche platform is good but to me, as a truck guy, they are a joke with the dust inhaling back window and the plastic cladding everywhere that warps and fades and looks like crap no matter what. I thought we were talking SUV here. Still, with it' condition and what it is, somebody will want it. It'll be an easy sell, IMO. They have good drivetrains and people know it.
The Avalanche version is much less desirable as mentioned, worth less $$ and somewhat worthless in general. I think of them as a giant Honda Ridgeline. But it is still a quality GM truck with a bunch of Cadillac do dads and gee gaws thrown on to justify a 25K boost in sticker price. On the plus side, when the Avalanche first came out and I went to the GM training center for new vehicle introductions, I was sure the mid gate deal would be a leaking, mechanical nightmare!! Turns out, they did a good job on the design considering what it does and how it works. Sounds like it won't fit your needs however. It will make a good vehicle for someone because it sounds like a well cared for cream puff. That means allot.