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Old 12-13-2013, 01:26 AM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
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Default Loss of a friend

Yesterday, (wed) I lost a good friend who some of you on this site may know. His name was Bruce Zalai, he was a Pontiac fanatic & an avid SD T/A owner as he did own 5 74 T/A's . He pasted away wed. from an apparent heart attach from shoveling snow from his driveway. He loved Pontiacs he was what some would call a collector but some would say he was a horder because he would buy all kinds of Pontiacs parts & just put them in the basement & just look at them. He very rarely would sell any parts as he would say I have a use for them , maybe not today but I'll use it sometime. He loved going to the swap meets & find someone to talk with about Pontiacs. He could spend all day on just one part or piece & loved to be around other Pontiac people. He would attend the National T/A meets & bring one of his SD's. Sometimes he could just be so overboard about his cars that some would say he was obsessive as he would go on & on about them. But he loved his cars. He didn't have a girl friend the last years of his life but he was totally in love with his cars. He lived alone & thats properly why we lost him this week as he always wanted to do things himself. He didn't like to ask for help but always wanted it. Bruce was a good guy most of the time & he will be missed. If you knew him let me know, it will be like saying hello to him & goodbye . God be good to you Bruce you'll be missed.

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Old 12-13-2013, 01:31 AM
7t8ta 7t8ta is offline
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I did not know him, but he sounds like an interesting guy with a passion for Pontiacs. Sorry for your loss and may he rest in peace.

Old 12-13-2013, 01:37 AM
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Default God Bless him and his family

I did not know Bruce, hope he is in a better place with all the Pontiacs he could ever want.

Originally Posted by rexs73gto View Post
Yesterday, (wed) I lost a good friend who some of you on this site may know. His name was Bruce Zalai, he was a Pontiac fanatic & an avid SD T/A owner as he did own 5 74 T/A's . He pasted away wed. from an apparent heart attach from shoveling snow from his driveway. He loved Pontiacs he was what some would call a collector but some would say he was a horder because he would buy all kinds of Pontiacs parts & just put them in the basement & just look at them. He very rarely would sell any parts as he would say I have a use for them , maybe not today but I'll use it sometime. He loved going to the swap meets & find someone to talk with about Pontiacs. He could spend all day on just one part or piece & loved to be around other Pontiac people. He would attend the National T/A meets & bring one of his SD's. Sometimes he could just be so overboard about his cars that some would say he was obsessive as he would go on & on about them. But he loved his cars. He didn't have a girl friend the last years of his life but he was totally in love with his cars. He lived alone & thats properly why we lost him this week as he always wanted to do things himself. He didn't like to ask for help but always wanted it. Bruce was a good guy most of the time & he will be missed. If you knew him let me know, it will be like saying hello to him & goodbye . God be good to you Bruce you'll be missed.


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Old 12-13-2013, 01:50 AM
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You didn't tell us how old he was.....

It's always bad news to loose another Pontiac guy...hopefully he wasn't robbed of too many years.....


Eye Candy......garage band?

Go full screen & turn it UP!
Old 12-13-2013, 01:56 AM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
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Bruce had just turned 60 in Dec. 2nd. He was a big guy as he fought his weight for ever. He was diabetic & was about 375 lbs at just about 5'11"s. He had been fighting health problems for the last few years & had been told about it but instead of spending his money on his meds he would spend it on parts. We all tried to talk to him about but he didn't want to spend any money he didn't have to just in case!!!! He was a bit stubborn on some things. But 60 is to early any way.

Old 12-13-2013, 02:05 AM
transam1972 transam1972 is offline
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sorry to learn of the loss of your friend

Old 12-13-2013, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by rexs73gto View Post
Bruce had just turned 60 in Dec. 2nd. He was a big guy as he fought his weight for ever. He was diabetic & was about 375 lbs at just about 5'11"s. He had been fighting health problems for the last few years & had been told about it but instead of spending his money on his meds he would spend it on parts. We all tried to talk to him about but he didn't want to spend any money he didn't have to just in case!!!! He was a bit stubborn on some things. But 60 is to early any way.
60 is to young to go.....but it appears he was defying the odds and lost the bet.....

Sad story.....


Eye Candy......garage band?

Go full screen & turn it UP!
Old 12-13-2013, 03:30 AM
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Rex.. Sorry for your, and Pontiac fans Loss. Diabetes sucks, and its a shame as there is a cure ( type 2) but there is so much money made on it the disease..It can rob you of a whole lot of cash., well, its like the fabled 100 mpg Carburetor.
Take care...FB

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Last edited by Ccass; 12-15-2013 at 04:12 PM.
Old 12-13-2013, 08:23 AM
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Sorry for your loss.

Be sure to enjoy each day God gives us - just like here, he may call you at any time.

Some guys they just give up living
And start dying little by little, piece by piece,
Some guys come home from work and wash up,
And go racin' in the street.

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Old 12-13-2013, 08:44 AM
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Wow, thats another story of how death finds you.... To die from shovelling snow is just too sad for everyone involved. Not, that there is a good way.

Old 12-13-2013, 09:32 AM
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My condolences to you and his family.
It's a sad day when some one dies, especially a Pontiac fanatic.

May he rest in peace.

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Old 12-13-2013, 01:04 PM
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Sorry to hear this. Way too young. My sympathies go out to you and his family.

Old 12-13-2013, 01:35 PM
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Rex, I'm sorry to hear this sad news & please send my condolences to his family.

I had met Bruce in the early 80's while attending cruise night in Laporte, IN. He had his 71 Judge (3 speed, Castillian Bronze IIRC) & he had always been a wealth of Pontiac information. I would see him at most local shows in the SW MI & Northern IN as he was very passionate about seeing all things Pontiac.

Even after we moved to NC I could count on seeing him at Norwalk every year & catch up with what he was up to. On more than one occasion at Norwalk we'd be sitting in the bleachers at the track and I'd scan through the crowd on the other side and see Bruce sitting there. He'd have his arms crossed & eyes closed catching a few ZZZZs......we'd always kid him about that!

Rest in peace Bruce. I'm sure he's rumbling around in heaven right now with a Super Duty TA!

Old 12-13-2013, 02:00 PM
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Default Bruce

WOW, no way, I call and talk to Bruce every couple of weeks. He was a great guy and a friend. We would spend hours on the phone talking Pontiacs like a couple of school girls would about boys. I am in shock!!!! Rex would you mind calling me about his funeral arrangements? 9064407764. Thanks Brad

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Old 12-13-2013, 03:42 PM
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Default Bruce Zalai

Now that i have collected myself a little bit! The Pontiac family has lost a true Pontiac Abassador. This guy lived and breathed Pontiac F and A bodies. I know NOONE who was more deicated to their cars. Looking at it now it was really an honor to know Bruce and what he stood for. Anyone who knew him knows this is a big loss to the people who knew him and the Pontiac community. I am going to miss you my friend! I cant wait to get home and huge my family! I recommend you all do the same!

Brad Pringle
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Old 12-13-2013, 03:52 PM
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So sad to hear especially around the Holidays. I often think about Peter Kaplan (Petesake), BoaterBill etc...
This may sound morbid or strange but I personally wouldn't mind having a "tribute" thread started for fellow Py'ers who have moved on. Maybe just pasting their signatures or something...
I'm just gonna start one anyway...

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Old 12-14-2013, 09:31 AM
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So sorry to hear about this loss, my heart goes out to all.

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Old 12-14-2013, 11:27 AM
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Default loss

yes, what a shame, like I said on the other thread, 60, I'll be there in 15 yrs, way too young, sorry for your loss of friend, & same to his family..
Should make us all reflect, how short life is, what is truly important.., & value those while they are still around us...

Old 12-14-2013, 04:34 PM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
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Bruce was a good friend & like most friends we had our share of arguments but we always got past that & moved on to the next thing. I will miss him alot.

Old 12-15-2013, 10:33 AM
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Default Bruce Zalei. RIP.

Rex so sorry to hear about Bruce's passing. I had talked to him on the phone numerous times and met him at Norwalk in 2011 when I had my 74 SD Formula down there. He was a great guy, very knowledgable about Pontiacs and had a nice collection of cars and parts himself. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
RIP Bruce.


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