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Old 01-17-2014, 08:56 AM
1beautifuldaughter 1beautifuldaughter is offline
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Default auto transport ripoff question

My brother bought a car for his daughter for Christmas, about 100 miles away, The seller got him a quote for moving the car for $200.00 from a company called Dream Auto Transport. He put my brother in contact with the company and they asked for a $100.00 deposit. And made it sound like they might move the car within a few days. possibly that very weekend. Told him that the deposit was refundable untill a driver was scheduled to move the car. He was very patient with the person he has been talking to for a month. He has made all the calls only to be told , "we are going to try to move your car tomorrow". He was given a number of a driver once about a week and a half ago and called and the guy seemed to have no idea who he was, Then said something like "Oh my brother went down south because of the weather", He then talked to the original guy who told him they had trouble contacting the seller for accommodations , My brother calls the seller all the time without any problems. The seller explains to him how these companies will ring a phone 2 times and say they tried ,to get off the hook.
At the beginning of last week I said to him he should ask at this point about getting his deposit back. He emailed the company asking if the car was not moved by the end of the week,he would have to make other arrangements and ask for his deposit back.
The week has come and gone with nothing,, So he asked last night for his deposit back and the guy told him "A driver was scheduled to move your car,so your deposit is not refundable" referring to the guy he talked to over a week ago.In the very same mail saying " I am trying to get the car moved tomorrow"

I'm sure people here must have dealt with the same crap, so I ask, what can you do when you are being held hostage by a low bidding company that wants to make $100.00 for doing nothing. We all know the definition of scheduled, and that obviously has not happened. The seller has been very patient, My brother wants to just get someone else to get the car off his property, but does not want to give up $100.00 bucks to someone for nothing.

Is this common practice, to low bid jobs knowing that if you cant get the job done you can walk away with money for nothing from a honest hard working guy?
Sorry for the long post. any help in regard to laws or practices will be very appreciated . And you should put in your notebook, Dream Auto Transport = Keep dreaming pal

Last edited by 1beautifuldaughter; 01-17-2014 at 09:37 AM.
Old 01-17-2014, 10:03 AM
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If he paid w/a credit card call the c.c. co. & reverse the charges. At only 100 miles away I'd drive out there, pick it up myself & be home in under 5 hours. Your brother has probably spent more time than that on the phone with these clowns.

Old 01-17-2014, 10:10 AM
John V. John V. is offline
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Was the deposit by cash or credit card?

If credit card, I would immediately contact the credit card company and put it in dispute, explain that the service has not been rendered as agreed and the seller refuses to issue a credit.

If cash, he is probably out of luck. If the money was mailed, he could try to involve the post office with a mail fraud claim, speak to the postmaster at his post office about making a claim. Provide copies of all correspondence.

And if he can file that, be sure to let the business know that a mail fraud claim has been initiated.

If they are reputable at all, that may get them off the pot.

That's all I can think of.

Lesson to be learned. Avoid giving a deposit for a service, especially a cash deposit. And especially if you can't get a handle on their reputation. I will pay for stuff in advance with a credit card, but if the parts don't show up, I at least have recourse with the credit card issuer to recover my money.

Is this the company, David the guy?

Several complaints but others had good experience. If nothing else, keep hounding him.

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Old 01-17-2014, 10:31 AM
chrisp chrisp is offline
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Most of them are brokers for the person that will haul the car , your haul goes on a site for those passing through the area & if a hauler is inter. he will stop to get it . To avoid in the future you want a owner / operator .

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Old 01-17-2014, 11:25 AM
1beautifuldaughter 1beautifuldaughter is offline
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Yes,, Thats the guy, David. I have also read feedback and he obviously has a very "Wasn't my fault, Did the best I could and its your problem now" attitude. Love the one where he tells the guy "you win some you lose some". Makes me sick!
I forgot about credit card recourse Thanks for that possible avenue, I just called my brother and told him to try a call to them. Thank You

Old 01-18-2014, 11:52 PM
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Default done using a broker to move cars. had a bad experience the last time with one doing the same thing--i buy my car, and then schedule a pick up; the driver calls the seller and says he will be there the guy takes the afternoon off show..calls fri night..says he will be there sat..same thing...this happens four days in a row and the seller is calling me super pissed----and i really cant blame him---he was trying to be home for this guy and to make matters worse the driver can barely speak english, so trying to understand him on the phone is a nightmare...FINALLY on monday he picks up the car----then about a week later with me having to call the driver daily to see when he plans to drop it off to me, he says that he will be coming through the area at about 1am sunday morning--and the car HAS to be dropped off as he is due in chicago the next day! so i wind up getting my car in the dark on the side of the road at about 2am in much for checking it over...ugh...that was my worst experience with a shipper i have ever had.

Old 01-19-2014, 06:02 AM
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Question 100 miles away ?

Why did someone not rent or borrow a trailer and go get the car
if it is 100 miles away ..... ?

That is a short local haul ....


Old 01-19-2014, 09:30 AM
1beautifuldaughter 1beautifuldaughter is offline
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Originally Posted by Trulyvintage View Post
Why did someone not rent or borrow a trailer and go get the car
if it is 100 miles away ....
That is a short local haul ....


Its only 100 miles, but from long Island, through the City and up. My brother is timid about city driving. Then add the roads you can't drive with a trailer and knowing which way to go. He just thought it would best left to someone else. NOT.

He did pay with a Credit Card. I told him to call on Friday, but even though he knew the guy was not going to, he gave him to the end of Fri. thinking he was doing the right thing. And he wanted to call the seller and make sure the car was not picked up.
Friday night he told the guy David not to move the car, that he had to have it moved now, He has had the car moved by a local company and got it over the weekend.

The guy is refusing to refund his deposit stating that it is not refundable once the car is scheduled. We know the car was not scheduled . David is basing the schedule part on some guy who supposedly accepted the job , nearly two weeks ago that guy said he would be moving the car on tues, Never happened, no calls, said the car would be moved on Thurs, never happened. no calls. Then my brother called the guy and he didn't seem to even know who he was. After that there was another week and a half of. "we are trying to get the car moved tomorrow"
If something is scheduled it means you know its going to happen and when.

After trying to be patient for a month my brother finally lost his cool. Told the guy the car had to be moved and that he will fight for his deposit back. Its real shame things like this happen, my brother is a good honest hard working guy who is always going out for others, and works very very hard for his money. This guy David is a dirt bag!

DREAM AUTO TRANSPORT,,,,,,,, don't forget that name.

Old 01-19-2014, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by 1beautifuldaughter View Post
Its only 100 miles, but from long Island, through the City and up. My brother is timid about city driving. Then add the roads you can't drive with a trailer and knowing which way to go. He just thought it would best left to someone else. NOT.

He did pay with a Credit Card. I told him to call on Friday, but even though he knew the guy was not going to, he gave him to the end of Fri. thinking he was doing the right thing. And he wanted to call the seller and make sure the car was not picked up.
Friday night he told the guy David not to move the car, that he had to have it moved now, He has had the car moved by a local company and got it over the weekend.

The guy is refusing to refund his deposit stating that it is not refundable once the car is scheduled. We know the car was not scheduled . David is basing the schedule part on some guy who supposedly accepted the job , nearly two weeks ago that guy said he would be moving the car on tues, Never happened, no calls, said the car would be moved on Thurs, never happened. no calls. Then my brother called the guy and he didn't seem to even know who he was. After that there was another week and a half of. "we are trying to get the car moved tomorrow"
If something is scheduled it means you know its going to happen and when.

After trying to be patient for a month my brother finally lost his cool. Told the guy the car had to be moved and that he will fight for his deposit back. Its real shame things like this happen, my brother is a good honest hard working guy who is always going out for others, and works very very hard for his money. This guy David is a dirt bag!

DREAM AUTO TRANSPORT,,,,,,,, don't forget that name.

No offense .....

But if your brother thought he was going to get a transport thru Long Island
and New York City for $200 ....

C'mon - he knows better ....

Anything can be scheduled - it does not mean it is going to get hauled
for the price and/or in the timeframe quoted by a broker ....

Again - no offense but your brother expected a service for below cost

That is what happens .....


Old 01-19-2014, 01:03 PM
1beautifuldaughter 1beautifuldaughter is offline
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[QUOTE=Trulyvintage;5111748]No offense .....

But if your brother thought he was going to get a transport thru Long Island
and New York City for $200 ....

C'mon - he knows better ....

Anything can be scheduled - it does not mean it is going to get hauled
for the price and/or in the timeframe quoted by a broker ....

Again - no offense but your brother expected a service for below cost

That is what happens .....
[end qoute]

No offense taken, I thought the same thing. but my brother figured there is power in unity, that because it would be moved with other cars it could be done cheaper.
It should be the brokers responsibility to be educated enough not to give a quote that can't happen. Not my brothers. And if it can't be done, it should be the brokers problem, Not my brothers.
It is obvious that David has his azz covered by way of making $100.00 for doing nothing. And Thats Just wrong.
And if David can't recognize that he is creating real world problems for people at there expense , And can't return a deposit knowing full well no service was rendered. He will hopefully drag himself down to a 1 star rating, as he drives off into the sunset with un earned money. We all know how people should be treated. Its called integrity. David has none. If you make a mistake you should do the right thing and not string someone along and take there money.

Old 01-19-2014, 03:48 PM
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Lightbulb Brokers do that

Originally Posted by Trulyvintage View Post
No offense .....

But if your brother thought he was going to get a transport thru Long Island
and New York City for $200 ....

C'mon - he knows better ....

Anything can be scheduled - it does not mean it is going to get hauled
for the price and/or in the timeframe quoted by a broker ....

Again - no offense but your brother expected a service for below cost

That is what happens .....
[end qoute]

No offense taken, I thought the same thing. but my brother figured there is power in unity, that because it would be moved with other cars it could be done cheaper.
It should be the brokers responsibility to be educated enough not to give a quote that can't happen. Not my brothers. And if it can't be done, it should be the brokers problem, Not my brothers.
It is obvious that David has his azz covered by way of making $100.00 for doing nothing. And Thats Just wrong.
And if David can't recognize that he is creating real world problems for people at there expense , And can't return a deposit knowing full well no service was rendered. He will hopefully drag himself down to a 1 star rating, as he drives off into the sunset with un earned money. We all know how people should be treated. Its called integrity. David has none. If you make a mistake you should do the right thing and not string someone along and take there money.

Auto transport brokers do that every day ...

Again - you cannot truthfully say they did not schedule it.

They did ...

But if they quoted $200 and took $100 of that ....

Who in their right mind will do that haul ?

Again - no offense ...

But your brother is an adult & should know how much things cost


Old 01-19-2014, 04:05 PM
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You are correct on some level, but I really don't think "you should have known better" is justification for someone screwing you. After all lets remember he didn't call and say "will you do it for $200", He said how "much will it cost", also if it was $400 he would have just paid it, The guy told him how much and then spent a month telling him the car should get moved tomorrow. He would have gladly paid more but the guy didn't ask for it.
Any of us can walk up and down the sidewalk on the phone making a boat load of money making promises that can't be kept.

Anyway as posted earlier ,,, Lesson learned

Old 01-19-2014, 06:09 PM
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200.00 to go to LI? It cost me almost that much just to get one of my semi's on and back off the island.

With that said, as mentioned before, I would assume that Dream whatever is a broker, they all pull this ****, and it gives the industry a bad name.

Next time any of you guys want to get a car shipped do your homework, check for references, also if you can find an O/O, like TV on here, DO IT. If not and you have to call a broker, the first thing to find out is IF they have their own trucks, and will it ship on said truck.

At least that way you are only dealing with one entity, it eliminates the he said she said.

You would probably been better off calling YOUR local towing company and see what they would have wanted to go get it and bring it back, I would guess about 500.00 would be fair.

Yeah, it's more money, but you would of had the car in one day, AND you would not of had to worry about some jackass tearing it up when he "stacked" it.

That car would have been the only thing on the rollback.



Old 01-19-2014, 06:09 PM
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You cant "condemn" all auto brokers & 'praise' all owner/operators. On a recent out-of-state purchase, an owner/operator(Plycar) screwed me & left me hanging(no deposit, but no service either!), while a broker(McNutt) saved the day & did exactly what they were supposed to do.

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Old 01-19-2014, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by judgeman6970 View Post
You cant "condemn" all auto brokers & 'praise' all owner/operators. On a recent out-of-state purchase, an owner/operator(Plycar) screwed me & left me hanging(no deposit, but no service either!), while a broker(McNutt) saved the day & did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Reread what I said, "CHECK FOR REFERENCES" BTW Mcnutt is not just a broker, they also have some of their own trucks, and have some carriers that are O/O that they rely on.

My fleet is one of their Preferred Large vehicle Carriers, we have worked with them for over 16 years. We also do large vehicle transfer for, Reliable, Passport Transport, United Road/Axis, Mercedes Benz, among others.

Old 01-19-2014, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
Reread what I said, "CHECK FOR REFERENCES" BTW Mcnutt is not just a broker, they also have some of their own trucks, and have some carriers that are O/O that they rely on.

My fleet is one of their Preferred Large vehicle Carriers, we have worked with them for over 16 years. We also do large vehicle transfer for, Reliable, Passport Transport, United Road/Axis, Mercedes Benz, among others.
sorry, but re-read what I said. I just stated my opinion, and wasnt referring to your comments at all. Other posts did not speak highly of brokers & I just wanted to mention my positive experience(and I'm also not biased, being an end-user & not "in" the business).

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Old 01-19-2014, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by judgeman6970 View Post
sorry, but re-read what I said. I just stated my opinion, and wasnt referring to your comments at all. Other posts did not speak highly of brokers & I just wanted to mention my positive experience(and I'm also not biased, being an end-user & not "in" the business).

My bad, it popped up right after I posted so I assumed it was aimed at what I hade written. And you are right, I should not have painted either category with such a wide brush,

But the last several years has seen a LOT of these brokers pop up that have no more invested than a rented office and a phone line and constantly quote jobs badly, which pisses off both end users and transporters.

THOSE guys give the business a bad name, and as you stated, not every O/O is perfect, but their "percentage" is a lot better than on the brokers end.

Old 01-19-2014, 08:09 PM
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One more reason to get multiple quotes,the really low ones are the red flags.

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Old 01-19-2014, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
My bad, it popped up right after I posted so I assumed it was aimed at what I hade written. And you are right, I should not have painted either category with such a wide brush,

But the last several years has seen a LOT of these brokers pop up that have no more invested than a rented office and a phone line and constantly quote jobs badly, which pisses off both end users and transporters.

THOSE guys give the business a bad name, and as you stated, not every O/O is perfect, but their "percentage" is a lot better than on the brokers end.
No problem, I understand. And i also understand what you're saying about brokers in general...most are "below par", to say the least.

2006 GTO/silver, 1969 Judge/Carousel Red, 1970 Judge/Black, 2002 T/A CETA.....
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